We have finally decided that we want to be homeowners! We actually decided this a couple of months ago and have been on the hunt since then. We have seen numerous homes and made a few offers. Nothing has seemed to come through though. Either our offer wasn't accepted or someone else beat us to it and they would have us for their back up. To be honest I was getting very frustrated with the whole process. Houses I wanted to see, hubby wasn't interested in and vice versa.
Well we went to see a place last week that has been on the market for quite some time. After walking through, I instantly loved it. The bedrooms were bigger. Double closets in the master. Bigger, updated kitchen. Large basement and plenty of room for all 5 kids. And it was only very slightly above the price range we were trying to stay within. So we decided what's it going to hurt, so we put in an offer that was realistic for us. The buyer ACCEPTED and we are waiting for the last information from the bank. I am trying not to get too excited because I know any bump in the road can send things spinning. But it looks like this may work. We are currently looking into inspection companies and title companies.
Out of all the homes we looked at there have been only two that I can picture my belongings inside. I know where I want my couch. I have pictured where my large mirror will look best. I can just already see me in that house. I am making notes of things I want to change to make it more "US" and am looking at paint colors!
I am going to try and find the photos of the house that are posted online. I want to keep a record of what we started with and what things are like when we finish making it OUR home!
*Updated* April 4,2010
We still haven't gotten complete confirmation that the house is ours. Still waiting on some things from the bank. Who knew it took so long to let you know that Yes, you can buy this house! We did drive past a few days ago and there is a sold sign in the front yard. We have also chosen a title company and termite and home inspection companies. So I guess that is something huh? Even though things have been going smoothly, I am trying not to let myself get overly excited, only because I know at this point things could still happen! It is really hard to wait. And I am fighting the urge to start packing!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
New Home
Posted by Better Known As Mommy at 7:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
For My Husband
When we met, something was so right. But God had a plan and he took us on our own journeys before finally bringing us together again. I think he send me down a bumpy road so that when I made it back to you, I would appreciate you all the more. There is nothing in this world that I would change about the last 6 years of being married to you. We have hit a lot of rough patches and bumps. But it never slowed us down.We climbed every mountain and we made it to the top. I sometimes ask myself what I did to deserve you.
There is no better feeling than your arms around me, keeping me safe from the world. You protect me from bad things and help me to see the beauty in all that we have . You show me a love that I never knew existed. You have taught me to be true to myself. You made me believe in myself when I thought I never could.You are my strength when I am weak. My shoulder to cry on. You are the light when everything seems dark. I know that I can always count on you to
pull me through. You always seem to have patience for me even when I am the most difficult. You have taught me a lot about life and about love. I know that I would never be where I am not without you by my side.

You are an amazing father and a gentle man. You are showing our children what it means to have an amazing family. I thank God for you and for ALL of our wonderful kids!

You are the smile on my face and the happiness in my heart! You are amazing in so many ways.
No matter what has transpired I know that at the end of the day nothing else matters, because I am with you!

Thank you for being not only the world's greatest husband, but also my very best friend. I love you so very much. Thank you for the 6 wonderful years of marriage. I look forward to the rest of my life with you.Cos with you by my side, we can conquer anything life throws our way!
Happy Anniversary to My Wonderful Husband!
Posted by Better Known As Mommy at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
How we met
Since my Anniversary is coming up, I thought I would write about how we first met.Bear with me if I tend to go on a ramble....it is a story worth reading.
I met my husband on the internet in October 2000. My sister had set me up with a yahoo account and this was my first time using a computer. She showed me how to access the chat rooms, you know before they were full of bots and porn. I enjoyed chatting with random people as it helped to pass the time before my son(who was then 2 months old) needed another feeding. And face it, as a single girl with a new baby, it was great company.
I was in a Single Parents chat room, like I had been so many other times when I got an IM. I thought he was just someone looking to chat so I checked out his profile and thought wow this guy is pretty hot..so I said hello. We started chatting, he told me he liked my profile pic. We talked about random things. He was a single dad with 3 children. I was a single mom with a new baby. We talked about him being in the Navy. Talked about his separation and my break-up. Over the next few days we chatted more. And over the next few months I felt we were getting really close. He called me and we talked on the phone. It was great to hear his voice. We would chat with web cams. Dorks that we were. I saw his kids playing and he saw my son. And the more we talked the more I wanted to talk. He understood my situation and was a very great friend to me. I let him know in January of 2001 that I was going to get back to Florida with my son's father, because I felt like I "owed" my son that chance. He ended up moving to Miami! We were just about 3 hours away from each other. Oh how many times I e-mailed him and dialed his number only to hang up before the first ring. To make a long story short, it didn't work out and I walked away plus one more child. Yep I got pregnant again when my son was 8 months old. Things went from bad to worse and I moved back home with my parents so I would have some support. He didn't know I moved back home. I also didn't know he was leaving Miami to move back to Maryland so he was near his kids. He just happened to call my parents house and I picked up the phone. It was so comforting to hear HIS voice on that phone! We talked for hours about what he has been up to and what I have been up to. Just a much needed catch up. I was petrified to tell him I was pregnant, because I thought ok he knows about my son and accepted that but surely he will run the other way when I tell him this. I was wrong,he didn't he embraced it and wanted to be a part of it all. But me being the stubborn person that I am, I kept him at arms length for the next couple of months. We kept in touch but sort of went our own ways. I wish I could say my path was pleasant, but it wasn't. We finally found our way back to each other again. I sat by the computer checking for an e-mail from him. Hoping to see my chat screen pop up. Before long I was consumed by him.
He decided to come to my house in Kentucky with his son to stay with me for a while. I of course was ecstatic but worried too. What if he doesn't like me when he gets here. Everything is perfect via the computer. Please God let this work out in your plan. There was a reason we kept coming back to each other. So on September 16, 2002...I laid eyes on the love of my life for the first time, in person that is. All the fears and doubts that I had were instantly erased and it was as if we had just always been together. There was no awkward feelings, just bliss. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute we had together. I knew that day I would love him forever. When time came for him to leave, I thought my heart would literally break. The thought of him coming back to Maryland without me made me more than sad. Just thinking of him leaving made me feel like I couldn't breathe. He asked me to come with him....so I did. I loaded up my 2 year old son and 8 month old daughter and I went and stayed a week. When the week was over, I knew I had to go home. However I wasn't sure how long I was going to be able to tolerate being separated from him.
You know how people tell you that when you meet that special someone you will know...well I just knew. So in October of 2002, I left Kentucky for Maryland and this is where I have been since. We were engaged on March 18, 2003 and married the following year on March 18th! I know that my husband is without a shadow of a doubt, my one and only! My soul mate! We have quite the journey from the beginning until now, but God always has a plan, and I am eternally grateful that WE were a part of HIS plan.
I am happy to be celebrating 6 years of marriage and looking forward to the next 60!!
Posted by Better Known As Mommy at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My family
This blog post is coming to you from ...my very own brand New Dell Laptop... and it is Purple! Passion Purple to be exact! Yay!!! I am so excited, I have never had a laptop before! I can't wait to take it to the coffee shop and blog from there. I am majorly thrilled!
Now let me tell you the story of how I got my fabulous new toy!
Saturdays are crazy days for me at work. All the "oddballs" come in and it is just very hectic. I decided to take my daughter with me. She is an awesome helper and a real people person! So we made it through the day and my hubby and my son get there to pick us up. I couldn't wait to get home throw on some comfy clothes and just hang out with everyone.
When we got home,on my way into the house,my son stops me and hugs me and says how much he loves me! I know how sweet right!! I get inside and take my shoes off and my son says suprise mom. I said suprise what? He waited a few minutes and yelled suprise again. Down the hallway comes my sweet husband carrying a cake with candles lit! They lead me into the kitchen and proceed to sing Happy Birthday to me!! And they had gifts for me too. I said guys, my birthday isn't until Thursday. Thursday is also my 6th Wedding Anniversary! But my hubby knew that he would be working and kids would be in school so he wanted to make sure we celebrated with us all together!! Is that AWESOME or what! They made my whole day!! So I blew out my candles and opened my gifts.
You could have knocked me over when I saw the laptop! My first thought was no way...we can't afford this..it is not in our budget....all those things.
And to make a great thing even better. I have been asking for new pots and pans. So hubby and my mother-in-law got me the Giada De Laurentiis cook wear set from Target!! I have wanted it for so long but just would not part with the money. My old set is going on 7 years old and has seen better days!
I have been having a hard time with turning 30! So I told my hubby we could celebrate our anniversary but skip my birthday because if I don't acknowledge it, I get to stay 29! So here was the cake he got me......
He had them write Happy 29th Birthday because he knew I was fighting turning 30!
My FABULOUS new LAPTOP!!!!!!! I still can't believe he got this for me. Part of me wants to be mad for spending that kind of money, but the other part of me is very greatful!
My WONDERFUL new Giada cook set!! I can't wait to use these. Anyone want to come for dinner??
I will turn 30 on Thursday. I will admit I have not been looking forward to turning 30 at all! So these guys have no idea how special our little party was!! And who cares if I will be 30. With a family like mine my 30's will be even better than my 20's.
I will also celebrate being married to the most wonderful man God ever created for 6years! Sometimes I wonder how it is that I am so blessed. I have an amazing family! Suddenly turning 30 doesn't seem so bad......
Posted by Better Known As Mommy at 8:26 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 7, 2010
We had a large water main break that has affected around 100,000 people! The break has affected a HUGE area. By the time I left work yesterday, I just assumed my water would be fixed. I would go home and make dinner, wash dishes, and have the kids shower!
Wrong! We went out for dinner. Had to buy gallons of water. Came home and heated said water and poured it into the sink for everyone to wash up! I have been melting snow to flush the toilet. I did not realize how much water I use until I don't have it to use. It is just one of the many things I take for granted.
Gave me a fresh perspective on water. I guess I am spoiled to the luxury of running water. I turn it on and there it is. I could not imagine having to carry all my water, then heat the water to use...everyday. And better yet, not having clean water. Being without water for 2 days has really made me think about all the people in other countries who have NEVER had the luxury that I am now whining about! I mean seriously, limited water, no water, no clean water. And some people walk miles for dirty water, because it is all they have.
I came across The Water Project this morning! It is an organization set on helping get clean water to areas of countries with no water or no clean water supplies. They do this by way of fresh water wells or water tanks. This is a break down of how a small donation can affect these areas.
$10 - One Person's Clean Water
$50 - Give a Family Clean Water
$250 - Water for a Classroom
$1,000 - Purchase a Well Pump
$4,500 - Fund an Entire Well
Will you consider donating to help get water to areas in need? I know after my 2 day hiatus of no water, I will!!
Posted by Better Known As Mommy at 8:45 AM 3 comments
Tag, You're It
I was tagged by my blog friend Samantha. To be untagged, I have to describe where I think my life will be in 10 years and tag some other blog friends!
So here goes....
In 10 years I will be 40. My husband will be 48. (At least some point in that year we will be that age) In 10 years my son will be 19 and ready for college. My daughter will be 18 and just months away from graduating High School. My oldest step-son will be 26. My step-daughter will be 23. My youngest step-son will be 21! All of our children will be at a great place in their lives, be it a job they love or attending college. In 10 years I hope I will be used to the "empty nest" that is slowly becoming my life and will embrace the new found freedom and independence with my wonderful husband! I have this huge fear of the kids leaving home and what will I do once I am not such a busy Mom, since my life has been all about them. I don't really know anything but being a Mommy! But I guess with each new Season of your life comes a different phase of Motherhood. I just hope I remember that and can embrace it!
In 10 years I hope my husband and I have actually had a romantic honeymoon. I hope our marriage is stronger than ever. And that we are adjusting to having grown kids and actually having time for the two of us. (Something we don't have much of now since when we met we brought 5 kids to the relationship.) I hope we are traveling and just enjoying each other and living life to the fullest.
I am now tagging the following people so consider yourself Tagged....
Samantha @ Our Family Journal
I know you have already been tagged...Just wanted to put you in here anyway!
Melissa @ The Cork Board
Liz @ Polka Dots and Paisley
Melissa @ The Marsh Family Blog
Courtney @ EBing a Mommy
Posted by Better Known As Mommy at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
My Terrific Kid
Lil' Mama had an assembly last week at school. It had been delayed for a while due to all of the snow we had dumped on us. She was chosen as a "Terrific Kid" for showing responsibility. I nearly forgot about the assembly (I know bad Mom) but luckily was reminded and made it there on time.
She was SUPER PSYCHED when she realized not only was Mom there, but Daddy was too.....He is usually at work when she has an assembly.
Way to go Lil' Mama! We are so proud of you!
Posted by Better Known As Mommy at 4:54 PM 1 comments
Last night was just the perfect night for this......
Do any of you have "Brinner" Breakfast for Dinner? We do it occasionally and the kids love it!!
I even broke out the fine China for this....paper plates are so great to have sometimes!!
Posted by Better Known As Mommy at 3:42 PM 0 comments